Deernis Care Clinic

Deernis Care Clinic Services

Deernis Care Clinic slim body
PRP Plasma

Also known as Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy, is a non-surgical treatment that uses a patient's own blood to promote healing and rejuvenation in the body...

Deernis Care Clinic lips
Dermal Fillers

Dermal filler injections (soft tissue fillers) are an effective non-surgical solution for patients seeking to reduce the appearance of facial folds, wrinkles, and lipstick lines...

Deernis Care Clinic botox icon

Botox treatments involve a quick and non-surgical injection method that is commonly used to reduce the appearance of creases and wrinkles on the face...

Deernis Care Clinic legs

Sclerotherapy (Injection) is a cosmetic procedure for the elimination of asymptomatic and unwanted veins for patients. Cosmetic sclerotherapy involves the use of injection...

The results are amazing and continue to amaze me

Just went for my first PRP plasma facial at Deernis Care Clinic. The PRP Plasma facial is known to most as the Vampire Facial. I have been reading and researching for some time about the procedure and the great benefits from having one done. I wanted to do something that was natural and with no side effects. The treatment I received from Deernis Care Clinic was amazing. The procedure was well worth it and felt amazing afterwards! I was so glad I finally had one done. Each step was explained and staff made sure that I was comfortable through the complete process. I will definitely have PRP plasma facials again and recommend to anyone.

Candy Presley , NC
Candy Presley

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Deernis Care Clinic location

178 Heritage Hollow Drive,

Franklin, NC 28734